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Blackstone President Earns $233m in 2015


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Investment Banking
Hoping this is the right place to link this article: NYT have worked with Equilar, a board and executive data provider, to estimate earnings at 6 of the largest publicly traded private equity firms.

The figures for the CEOs are obviously astronomical ($800m for Blackstone CEO, Steve Schwarzman), but these are numbers we've heard before. What was surprising, to me anyway, was that a non-exec could bank 9 figures (!) in a single year at a publicly traded company.

I think it's common knowledge that European comps are discounted in comparison, but I'd be interested to hear any input on senior-level comp at the European branches of mega funds.
No wonder the public scrutiny on bankers is so high. I didn't really realize that before but as I grow older and talk to people coming from different social classes that if you are a banker people don't like you. I guess that's something you have to take if you want the money.
233 million? Sure it's a lot, but I am also sure he brings more value to the world than most people, so why not? Cristiano Ronaldo earns extraordinary amounts, but he is also extraordinarily better than most footballers.