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CV Review


New member
Hi guys,

Would appreciate any help on the CV here - not very happy with it ATM. If anyone wants to know anything specific that I've edited out, please fire me a PM.

I should also add that I'm aiming for S&T and general Spring Weeks this year.

- Remove the Courses below Mathematics

- Remove that gap between Sixth Form and write "A Levels" instead of "A-levels" (looks better, at least for me).

- Simply remove the word "Achievements", unnecessary to have it there (I'd also move this bulletpoint to the first: just to boost the first impression of who's looking at your resume)

- Also remove the bold from "A Levels" and "GCSE".

- About the last part: I'd get rid Certifications part altogether (not much of a selling point and takes space). Include Languages. Also I'd remove the simple listing of what societies you are member of (not much of a selling point and takes space). Instead, include "Interests". So last part should go like "Languages, Technical Skills, and Interests". The title of the section should also follow this. At the technical skills write "Basic Java/VBA programming".

- About the bulletpoints: they are OK but add trying more at the one which has only one (or get rid of it).

- Seems like a double space at "system using" at the "Implemented a more efficient stock control system" part. This could get your resume dinged.

Otherwise well done. You got quite a few interviews coming your way.
Thanks, man. I don't speak any other languages though, aside from my native English - will I just leave that out?
Thanks, I appreciate it.

I'm sure you've noticed my lack of substantial extra curriculars - do you think this will hinder me for SWs?
Sure, your welcome.

Right, having finance after finance and nothing more interesting stuff might indeed not work in your favours - but I'm certain you got a so strong profile it won't matter (make sure you put the effort into your cover letters though, don't forget that each one should be tailored to each bank).

Keep us updated anyway! Interested how many SW interviews you'd get with this.
No worries. I'll keep you updated here in this thread. In the process of applying for Blackrock (first one) - I know it isn't best for S&T, but there is a trading & liquidity division on offer.