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Expert #74511

New member
Howdy everyone.

I'm an incoming first year undergraduate. At the moment I'm juggling all the work my university has given me to do before I even start (around a dozen books, a tonne of worksheets, and a full-on essay) whilst attempting to get myself in a decent enough state to start applying for the spring week cycle. I'm currently looking at the real Investment Banking jobs (M&A, etc).

I'm probably a bit different to everyone here in that I'm not completely certain if I want to get into iBanking. I'm also considering becoming an actuary. So it's fair to say that career-wise I'm at a crossroads. Hopefully the things I'll experience and learn over the next few months will help resolve this dilemma.

I've been lucky to have a prior experience in the industry. I was in Asset Management at one of the larger banks for two weeks last year, which helped introduce me to the City in general and sort of life you might live there. I'm from a working class background, so this world is very different to the one I grew up in. It's going to be interesting to adjust to it, either way.
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laughed a bit when reading "real Investment Banking jobs (M&A, etc)", so which IB jobs are not real?
I meant "real" as in the jobs we'd typically associate with investment banking. "Stereotypical" would have probably worked better.