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Immature Group Members in School Project


New member
Hi guys,

New member here. I am just wondering like how do you deal effectively with immature, and disrespectful team members when working towards a project? This guy in particular is full of himself and is incapable of answering and summing up what he thinks. He rambles, bullshits his way through questions and when challenged he doesn't take opposition of his argument.

He also thinks I am stupid. Also doesn't say anything substantial EVER. Not open to criticism. Lazy.

There is also a sophisticated English girl in this group, who when you challenge someone's argument, he starts speaking in a condescending manner to you about what "probably" this guy's argument was just so you lowly team member understand. Gives these annoying looks too. Former would be fine, but what is being said is usually bullshit and when asked to clarify, she's like wtf with you asking me don't you 'get' it?

They are honestly straight up dumbass.

How do I handle this situation? Any advice much appreciated.
They are probably braindead in the head. Not much to do here. Sorry mate, you will have to put up with them.

Try to keep your cool and focus on the main goal. Let that be the reason behind everything you say, be assertive instead of getting mad at them etc. and give them positive body language. Hope that helps my friend.
I can speak from a little business background. First off, like Trigger said, you should realize what you can and can't control. 1. It will be very hard to do anything about this. But, you can still learn to avoid these people in the future and build teams/ surround yourself with the opposite types of people. i.e. positive, intellectual, hard working, team player, encouraging.
2. Sounds like this guy's a dick. But you need to try to make the most out of it. Use this guy's laziness and arrogance to motivate yourself to work harder.
Others probably notice this guy for what he is, so take some solace in that.
Thanks, I will keep these things in mind.

I am still really annoyed though. Like I will have to explain essay writing 101 to them. The biggest problem I have is that when I ask them a question they ramble for like 60 seconds, and so I feel like I am being disrespected. Which I am not gonna accept.