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In need of CV help!!

There are so many things wrong with this CV you'll need to do a completely new one. Template: http://www.mergersandinquisitions.com/investment-banking-resume-university-student/. Think of what are your most important achievements/ECs so far (which you could write 3-4 bulletpoints on). Once you are done feel free to upload it again.

("Work Exp: Babysitter" hahaha why would you list that)

Could you elaborate on that bronze you got at the british olympiad? Guessing its like the qualification for the british ipho team?
In need of CV help, 1st year undergrad moving from sciences to IB, thanks.

OP, I don't like the layout of this CV.
There is too much text and it doesn't highlight your achievements well enough.

Get rid of the sidebar. Have your name and address etc. on the first two lines at the top. Structure it so that you have

Awards & Achievements
Work Experience
Extracurricular & Leadership Experience

And then one or two bullet points for each key line of activity.

And also get rid of your personal profile to free up some space.

Once you've changed the layout completely so it is similar to above ^ then we can look at wording the content properly.
OP, I don't like the layout of this CV.
There is too much text and it doesn't highlight your achievements well enough.

Get rid of the sidebar. Have your name and address etc. on the first two lines at the top. Structure it so that you have

Awards & Achievements
Work Experience
Extracurricular & Leadership Experience

And then one or two bullet points for each key line of activity.

And also get rid of your personal profile to free up some space.

Once you've changed the layout completely so it is similar to above ^ then we can look at wording the content properly.
I appreciate your constructive advice. I will do the above and get back to you.