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**Please review CV for Spring Week Applications**

Krish Desai1

New member
Hi, I'm wanted some feedback on this CV before I start submitting some applications for spring weeks in a few weeks time. Much appreciated.
Read this and a couple of other threads here. See the ones which have been praised and which have been not; once you are done and made the edits feel free to upload your next version.
It's indeed much better.

NCFE diploma in online trading (got basically zero connection to what you'll actually do in S&T -> even so you look like you are aiming for IB) in Certifications and also remove the whole work exp
member of political economy society. (adds 0 value, makes you look a tryhard)

You shouldn't use an "." point at any of the end of your bullets - yet sometimes you put it there sometimes you don't -> have to keep consistency.

Interets section:
Golf (pls elaborate), 5-A-Side football league (elaborate), snooker (elaborate), fitness (remove this, lol). I enjoy travelling abroad, I have planned a
road trip along the West Coast of the USA for next year. (I don't understand; you say you enjoy travelling abroad and then say you just "planned" a road trip to the west coast -> I also planned a lot of things and it didn't work out, I thought it's obvious you need ACTUAL experience here). So this section needs a brush up too, gotta keep everything gucci to maximize your chances.

Work on your bullets. They are not good (well, they are "OK" but nowhere close compared to applicants who will get interviews) and they are just bare; you come off like someone who just throwed the content of this CV together in just a hour.

Don't you really have any extracurriculars? You should really add that section.
Hi there,

Thanks a lot for this. As for the extra-curricular's, it's only really sport for me so I thought putting it in under activities and interests (with elaboration) would suffice.

With the diploma part, I thought it might show that I've been pro-active about what division(s) I was interested in and would separate me from the thousands of applications they receive.

Will upload a new version soon and will compare. Thanks again
Remove (RBS)

Again, work on your bullets and also expand on them (make 3 bulletpoints under each exp)

Trim down on your skills&act&interests section (wall of text), think of how you could include better things.
Like the interests section: Golf, Competitive 5-A-Side football (not sure how legit is this though), Snooker, Travelling in Asia (you'll be able to expand on your other experiences in the interview)
You could change the order of your work exp, start with most recent (as you did in education section).

Changed the order of work exp, cut down the interests section and made the rest of the edits.

At a glance:

- don't use full stops in your bullet points
- specify what your role was for each experience, otherwise you're telling me nothing useful
- tell me more about what you learned, gained, and actually did - I see very few action verbs
- don't italicise your dates, and be specific with months rather than seasons. How long did you work there? How experienced am I to assume you are? It's too vague
- make sure your prose is consistent - one tense

Your CV feels very monotone. You need some meaningful, stand-out extracurriculars to add to it; at the moment it is purely insight days. Work on getting a society position to boost your CV, don't send your applications too early.
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I think the society positions and boosting extra-curriculars is a good idea, but how would I be able to add all this and keep my CV to one page.

Attached the latest version, thanks.
You remove ICAP and Morgan Stanley; they are just insight days, least important to have them.

Don't make 2nd titles grey.

I want to ask a general question about CV's. Is it customary to only classify the university you are at as a 'target' or 'semi-target', instead of saying which university you are actually at?

I want to ask a general question about CV's. Is it customary to only classify the university you are at as a 'target' or 'semi-target', instead of saying which university you are actually at?
It's to keep you anonymous here, if you prefer. You have to state the official name when you apply.

I want to ask a general question about CV's. Is it customary to only classify the university you are at as a 'target' or 'semi-target', instead of saying which university you are actually at?
Haha of course you have to state the exact name of the university, as the guy said above it's only done here for privacy reasons.