I've already secured and got my place at the University of my choice (Newcastle) to study Computer Science.
However, one option I really want open, is getting into high finance (investment banking etc) and for this I would most likely need to go to a Target. I'm not entirely sure about this, and it seems I would need to go to a lot of effort to get there, but it all seems worthwhile.
So my options are:
Newcastle - Computer Science, work hard to get good grades, lots of extracurriculurs (learn language, head a society, sports, debate etc) then do an MSc in some management or some crap at top 3 uni
Defer my place and go to either of these: Target - ITMB/ Something else (Warwick/UCL/ etc) Semi-target - Computer Science (Nottingham only place that I have relevant A Levels for).
Now, could any of you offer me any career advice?
For me, it would be cheaper, easier, closer to home, for me to do what I have already chosen (CS at NCL), but I don't want to rule out the possibility of getting into lucrative careers in IB.
Also, if it matters, I could probably get into the SEO scheme, as I'm of a very under-represented ethnicity and will be eligble for the full maintenance loan and other grants.
Thank you!
I've already secured and got my place at the University of my choice (Newcastle) to study Computer Science.
However, one option I really want open, is getting into high finance (investment banking etc) and for this I would most likely need to go to a Target. I'm not entirely sure about this, and it seems I would need to go to a lot of effort to get there, but it all seems worthwhile.
So my options are:
Newcastle - Computer Science, work hard to get good grades, lots of extracurriculurs (learn language, head a society, sports, debate etc) then do an MSc in some management or some crap at top 3 uni
Defer my place and go to either of these: Target - ITMB/ Something else (Warwick/UCL/ etc) Semi-target - Computer Science (Nottingham only place that I have relevant A Levels for).
Now, could any of you offer me any career advice?
For me, it would be cheaper, easier, closer to home, for me to do what I have already chosen (CS at NCL), but I don't want to rule out the possibility of getting into lucrative careers in IB.
Also, if it matters, I could probably get into the SEO scheme, as I'm of a very under-represented ethnicity and will be eligble for the full maintenance loan and other grants.
Thank you!