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Transferring to New York


New member
Hi all,

I am a British high school student completing GCSEs and I am very interested in working in investment banking in the future, particularly Sales and Trading. I hope to work in New York City at some point also.

I was wondering whether it would be possible for me to complete a university degree in the UK and then go on to do a Summer internship or Analysts position at a BB in NYC?

Or am I restricted to London with a British degree?

What about Hong Kong and Singapore?

Thank you!
I was wondering whether it would be possible for me to complete a university degree in the UK and then go on to do a Summer internship or Analysts position at a BB in NYC?

Wont happen. Even if you would get into oxbridge and have a visa its still problematic. Best way to go about it is to spend 2-3 yrs at the ldn office and then transfer, thats actually realistic.